529 College Savings Plan

Many students need assistance paying for their education. To help you save for education for you and those you support, Mercury Insurance, working alongside a financial advisor, offers you a CollegeAmerica 529 plan as part of your benefits package.

The 529 College Savings Plan helps you plan for educational goals by offering an easy, tax-advantaged way to save for your future educational needs. Earnings in a 529 account are free from federal tax and, in most cases, state taxes — provided they’re used to pay for qualified education expenses like tuition.

Key advantages at a glance
    • Flexibility. Assets in your account fund qualified educational expenses for eligible K-12 school, public or private college — undergraduate, graduate, professional or vocational.
    • Current tax savings. You'll pay less in income taxes when you make pre-tax contributions.
    • Wide range of beneficiaries. You can save for anyone — yourself, children, grandchildren, nieces/nephews, friends.

For more information, visit 529 College Savings Plan. You can enroll in 529 College Savings Plan anytime by completing an application.